Igot the car back from Bodyman Kirk, who had been hard at work replacing the nearly-rotted driver's floor pan. I spent the day Friday and today getting the new metal and rest of the interior covered up and rust-proofed. Such activities 'tis the purpose of this entry.
The new floor pan was butt-welded in (impressively well I might add)

and a small patch in the toe board was also made. On Friday upon getting it home I spent the day cleaning, degreasing, and preparing for paint, and finally priming with Sikkens etching wash primer. Today all surfaces on the floor prone to rusting or moisture (toe boards, front and rear floor pans, rear seat perch) were treated with two coats of Bill Hirsch Miracle Paint (it's expensive...$34 a quart) but the stuff is an absolute necessity if you want to stop existing rust or protect against new rust. It's also identical to POR 15. Oh, and one other important note...it eats THROUGH those red plastic cups, which is what I had poured the paint into for my brush. I also hit

up the outside of the toe boards on the engine bay side with several coats as well as the side of the frame rails and undersides of the floor pan on the bottom of the car. We'll let this dry and cure for a week and then patch up the seams with sealer
For tomorrow...rebuilt and adjusted steering.